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Supras’ work has, alone or jointly with partners, over the years, led to concrete results, and have had important and measurable impacts. These impacts are often geographically circumscribed to a project or a project area, and they are both short-term and longer-term in nature. As might be expected, there are also cases that did not lead to clear positive results. Also such experiences it is important to analyze in order to learn, and in this way increase the possibilities for doing a better job in the future. This section aims to contribute to just that.


The methodological and analytical approach behind the present focus is Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA), which has been developed by the World Bank. PSIA is presented as the:

. . . analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of different stakeholder groups, with particular focus on the poor and vulnerable. PSIA has an important role in the elaboration and implementation of poverty reduction strategies in developing countries. It promotes evidence-based policy choices and fosters debate on policy reform options. PSIA helps to:

  1. Analyze the link between policy reforms and their poverty and social impacts,
  2. Consider trade-offs among reforms on the basis of their distributional impacts,
  3. Enhance the positive impacts of reforms and minimize their adverse impacts,
  4. Design mitigating measures and risk management systems,
  5. Assess policy reform risks, and
  6. Build country ownership and capacity for analysis.

PSIA is a systematic analytic approach, not a separate product. It starts with the ex-ante analysis of expected poverty and social impacts of policy reforms, with a view to helping to design the reforms. PSIA then advocates monitoring results during implementation. Finally, where possible, PSIA suggests evaluating ex-post the poverty and social impacts of reforms.
(source: World Bank website)

The Supras focus on “impact” is closely related to PSIA. Given this the present focus is not on Supras’ own work and its impacts. Rather it addresses a much broader canvas of activities, circumstances, issues and facts that represents a framework for Supras’ own work, and in this way focuses attention on how our work can contribute to reaching the aims of PSIA.

The material presented here is drawn from sections Portfolio, Library and knowledge. The content partly reflects the core service areas, and partly general and overarching issues.

[material to be added]